Pork Belly Foxnut Seeds Soup - Tonic Soup for Overactive Bladder interrupting Sleep (Nocturia)

20th May 2023

Did you know that Chinese medicine has been treating nocturia (waking up at night to urinate) naturally with herbal soups?

Nocturia is a common source of insomnia for many people particularly the elderly. Ask your herbal practitioners about dietary options to address this condition

Pork Belly Foxnut Seeds Soup - Tonic Soup for Overactive Bladder interrupting Sleep (Nocturia)
Qian Shi - Strengthen Spleen & stabilize and bind
Gou Qi Zi - Tonifies Ki to stabilize and bind. - Also taste good!
Shan Yao - Tonifies the Ki to stabilize and bind.
Lian Zi - Strengthen Spleen
Jin Ying Zi - Stabilize the Kidneys & Retain Essence
Long Yan Rou - tonifies Spleen & calm shen
Da Zao - tonifies Sp & calm shen
Pork Belly - tonifies spleen

Action: Strengthens Spleen, Aids Kidneys to astringe urine.