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Master Bonesetter’s Trauma Soak (Zheng Gu Die Da Jin Ji) 正骨跌打浸剂
The Master Bonesetter’s Trauma Soak (Zheng Gu Die Da Jin Ji) has been a staple of bonesetters for generations because of the all around ability of this formula to relax spasm, move blood stasis and fluid accumulation, kill pain, and dispel localized heat and inflammation. This soak more strongly moves stasis, than the Extra Strength Tendon Relaxing Soak (Shu Jin Huo Xue Jin Ji), while still softening sinew spasms. The presence of heat clearing herbs balances the formula, and a large dosage Gu Sui Bu is added to strengthen and heal damaged sinews.
Ingredients: tu bie chong; su mu; xue jie; chi shao; hong hua; mo yao; ru xiang; mu xiang; ding xiang; xu duan; wu jia pi; chuan xiong; bai zhi; san qi; da huang; huang bai; huang qin; wu ming yi; chuan shan long; chuan niu xi; mu gua; gu sui bu
Before mobilizing joints with restricted movement, have the patient steam and soak the area for 20 minutes. Alternatively, the patient can soak the area every day or even twice a day in between treatments.
Packaged in a flow-through bag for convenient use.
Directions: Place the bag in 2-3 gallons of liquid. Bring the water to boil and then turn down the heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Steam the affected part in the vapor as the mixture cools. Then immerse the affected part in the liquid and soak for 15-20 minutes. Alternatively for areas like the back, hip, knee, hamstrings and shoulder, one can soak a piece of flannel or a towel in the mixture, wring the cloth out and place it on the affected part as a compress (change compresses as they cool). The mixture can be reused for up to 6 days. Simply save the liquid in the pot and reheat to the desired temperature.
For best results add 1 quart of alcohol (vodka or rice wine) after you have simmered the herbs.
External Use Only! Do not use over open skin lesions or rashes.